Saturday, October 14, 2023

Girling and Musing

Today was a nice low key day. ☺️ I liked it. Had barely any work to do. Found an old skirt to wear around the house which made me happy. Didn't work out also, just being lazy and waiting around for my chocolate to be delivered so I can pamper myself. Currently lying down on my tummy dangling my legs over the edge of the bed and trying on my new cherry lip balm that makes me look slightly slutty and wondering when tf did I turn into such a girl. Wait lemme take a pic, I can see it again tomo to determine if it indeed is slutty or is it just my smutty mind. 

Oh god NVM I look like the joker from dark knight πŸ’€, delete DELETE 

Side note: wondering if I can act cute and get out of trouble sometimes? I've never do other women do it? :( these are the real worldly skills someone should have taught me. Who can I blame? Ugg. I want to learn how to bat my lashes and be adorable then I can power trip nicely muhahahhaha. 

Should find some yt tutorials on this, sadly my feed only has stuff like Nietzsche and  Machiavelli and that would be overkill lmao. I don't want to rule a nation, just merely slide my way out of a thing or two. Actually lmc my spectrum. Oh my god 🀣🀣🀣. Ok I love this. I'd forgotten that Kevin vid, top tier. 

Ooo and Van Morrison - Days like this is playingggg. Yaaaay! Feels so GOOOOOOD. What a pretty soooonggg. I have a thing for the sax man. I love it so damn much. I remember when someone at a restaurant once played me Brown Eyed Girl by Morrison cuz I have brown eyes. Lolol. Random silver haired old man in Goa on a Sunday morning brunch, he was sooo sweet and such a nice singer too. And tried to make clumsy me dance haha. Damn I used to have a vid of that, it was heavenly, where did it goooo?

If everyone in the world forgot me today in this very instant, if not a single soul ever missed me again, didn't talk to me again...I think someeeehow... I'll find a way to survive. But take away my music from me...and I think will stop living for reals.

And I wanna rock your gypsy soul

Just like way back in the days of old

Then magnificently we will float

Into the mystic 🎡

I wonder what's my fav Morrison song? Hmmm. Tough. I think it's Someone Like You. Makes it all worthwhile. Or maybe Tupelo Honey. Cuz she's an angel of the highest degree. Okay I can't choose no waaay no sirrreeee! 

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