Monday, October 30, 2023


What traaash dude. Omg. I really shouldn't think the best of people should start from the worst and work my way up. Ugh. How can someone be this... Idk is it like a mental illness? Cuz idk what else even explains this behaviour. I don't get it. Something just doesn't add up. What's sickening is if those people are exploiting him knowing this. Idek. I believe him when he says he doesn't know it was wrong. But admitting that just means he is extremely vulnerable and hasn't got a clue. :(

Hmmm. I get why he has had so many free passes, I'd give him those too. But does he have to make life so difficult all the time? :( Just feels like a special needs child at times. This is like Flowers for Algernon gone horribly wrong. 

The weird thing is, there are many folks like that 45 yo dude. Even in my country, you'd find so many many folks so steeped in prejudice and so much unawareness and we just let it go cuz you can't fight them all. I've always considered education to be the best route out of this mess but idk. It's such a large social issue. Ugh. I don't have time to actually think of this today either. JUST ANOTHER BAD TASTE IN MY MOUTH

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