Sunday, October 1, 2023

Smyslov v Fisher

Checking out one game of theirs from 1970. Good golly. Fisher is just insane, the way he dismantled that position. I don't even have the skills to appreciate how in depth that calculation ability for him must be, literally spotted one weakness and attacked the fuck out of Smyslov. I can imagine how crushing it must feel to have an ending position that's basically so limp, you'd want to spit out of disgust. And these are the greats in the world, so if Fisher can do that to them, that's like πŸ˜­πŸ’€. Terrifying chess.

Hmmm. Beginning to understand how daunting the idea of facing him must be for people. Anyway, saving just to look at it some other time and crying about how helpless chess can make you feel. So many powerplays in a board game lol. 

Anyway, lemme check out more of these Fisher destructions. Chinese buildings must have toppled slower than some of Bobby's opponents. πŸ’€

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