Monday, October 2, 2023


Listening to all these old Italian songs after a huge ass lunch and wondering why tf aren't all Mondays holidays. Long weekends for the winnnnn! 

Showed my mom M today lolol. She was sooo amused and confused. It was adorable. I think he is the kinda person everyones' parents would like. Would probably charm them lots lmao. Good stuff. Save the grumpy teddy persona for the rest of us hehe. Maaan, I noticed today that I can't straight up praise without adding some cheeky line to it. Even now, haaad to add that grumpy teddy line. Why? Lmao. P, you're a total weirdo. Fuck, this must be why he flares up with me so much. Oh crap ya. Plus I think I do it all the time, don't I? Aiyooooo. Ok I'll try to control next time. Lmc if I can, sounds tough. 

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