Tuesday, October 3, 2023

More Fischer

So I don't understand this h5 move at all. What does it do?

Kh1 by Fishy when the opponents' white bishop is traded off is kinda cool. I guess it makes sense to do that in most games if the light squares are yours.

I wonder what's the difference in play styles between Magnus and Fischer. From the little I've seen of Magnus, he seems to always have such harmonious development that none of his pieces are ever not talking to each other. Hmmm. Haven't seen too many of his games to be sure but I recall marvelling at how he always seems to induce one move blunders in his opponents seemingly out of nowhere. Fischer seems more... idk the word but his attacks are a lot more brute force driven? Hmmm. No this isn't right either. Okay whatever let me see the rest. 

Omgomgomgomg. This is such a sexy position. Mofo. TUTTA BELLAA! BELLISIMO! 

Oh come onnnnn. No waaayyyy! What a move this is who tf plaaayyys like this?! Aaaaaaa. I want to touch myself 😭. Fuck this is so so so good.

Fischer must really love his bishops, esp the light sq one. That Be4 is also such a goated move omg. Love it lots. Ugh, but see even here, the solution was right there and so was the observation. The rook covers the d file so how do I move it. It's that simple question and one that I just don't think of asking. So there needs to be some reminder in my mind to get rid of this fixed thinking. It's always "oh this exists, how do I work around it" as opposed to " oh this exists, how do I change it ". Need to really see the opponent as a dynamic entity as opposed to a static one that I can't influence. ( Segueway -I bet manipulative folks will have an easier time thinking this way.) Hmmm. Default thinking patterns need to be challenged though. Only way forward. 

Note to self: M told me Fischer Benko rf6 game though, was it a diff one? This one has rg6. Let me check. Istg if there is another unreal game like this, I'll just have to run around my room to wear the excitement off. This reminds me of the time I saw M give that KID lecture and the game was so mesmerizing that at first I was stunned, then I wanted to climb into his lap and straight up do him. Hehe. Sometimes I'm just too well behaved. πŸ˜‡

Fischer - Benko 1965

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