Sunday, October 8, 2023

Pills and Cricket

Took a pain killer for periods, and forgot and drank beer and now my head is spinning and meg and I are watching the world cup and the team is down 3 wickets for 2 runs and idk wtf want to screech at them. What a shit performance. Fucking always comes down to Kohli. Anushka must be losing her mind.

Ugh I need food I'm feeling all woozy

Edit: losing to 1600s also cuz everything is a blur. I don't think I should have forgotten that I took a pill before drinking. πŸ₯Ί mirroring stupid WC match so annoyed at the way they are playing absolute trash

Need to put a reminder to drink water else a hangover will kill me tomo. Why did I drink after so long? :( but match day so it's ok. 

Omg I need food I have to remember to eat

Ugh. I actually just want to... :(. Dammit. Aaaaaa. 

Okay don't let your mind go there. Stooop. 🚫

Order foooood. 

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