Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Philomena Cunk is a total goat. Omg. What a comedic genius. ♥️ 

Lines that made me laugh till my stomach hurt:

Philomena to a professor of feminism: A feminist looks in the mirror, do they see an equal woman or a better woman?

"Despite being the stuff of nightmares, Santa is the world’s most popular home intruder.”

"Shakespeare’s greatest work is Game Of Thrones: ‘Queen Joffrey, like all Shakespeare’s queens, was played by a young boy in a dress."

Oh man. I think Cunk on Shakespeare is deffo my fav. And the time she asked some ridiculous question to the professor emeritus at Oxford what was itttt? Ugh I forgot but it was so asinine I loved it.

Ladyyyy, I love you!!! 

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