Sunday, October 15, 2023

Whew. Okay I want to start playing longer games now I better. Man I so wanted to read today instead just played lmao. Total degen behaviour. Want to paint too and I bet I'll just end up doing bs. 😭

Checked out more of Fisher Spassky 72 WC games too. It makes so much sense to watch the games lmao. Feels like " oh yeah hmmm ofcourse ofcourse makes sense " and then when you play by move 7 you are fucked and how. 

But on a serious note. I'm legit falling in love with this game it's so damn mesmerizing. It's taking over a large part of my time now, so I should make sure I atleast get better at it since I'm anyway investing time in it. 

Nice nice. Woot Woot.

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