Sunday, October 1, 2023


Why have I been so frustrated lately? Idek. Nothing's really wrong but my mood seems v off. I don't even feel like doing anything. Just avoiding everything and everyone. P...what's going on? :(

There isn't any magic pill that will make it better so you have to do it yourself. Idk, push through I guess, what else can you do? 

I just...idk. I'm usually not this moody so I don't understand what's bothering me. Lol, of all the weird irrational swings. But it's not okay to just avoid everything and everyone either, you have to make an effort to break out of this funk. You are just walking around doing what's needed and then staying silent. 

Lol, maybe should speak to some colleagues or better yet those crappy building folks who annoy me. Atleast turn the scowl into a frown and give you something to be mad at. Lol. 

Okay one step at a time. Just breathe and call someone and talk to them maybe... might help in feeling better or atleast give you a change of pace. 

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