Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fidelity actually means something to that boy. How nice. I respect that so damn much. One of the key reasons why I feel I have always understood him is cuz I feel like his heart is always in the right place. It's so nice. Mirrors a lot of my values tbh. I was talking to meg mid way and generally we spoke about how it's nice when values align, it's easy to get along with folks and it's true. Never did I think mine might align with someone who I met so out of the blue, but in a lot of ways they do and it's both interesting and endearing. Even that tiny wince when he read that one statement right as I winced reading the same one was just so telling. I've known him for a year now. Whew, that's crazy. 

Hehe... I meant it when I told you I'm glad I found you. And it's reasons like these why I always make an effort for you and I think I always will. I think you are worth it. Not a lot of people I can say that about, but with you I mean it πŸ’―

Can't believe I've come to respect someone whose yt I used to spam with incessant nonsense lmao. And you actually mean something to me as a person too. I was so hesitant to admit that even to myself all this while, but it's true, you do. And it doesn't scare me to admit that anymore. I'm quite happy to infact. Of all the weird plot twists life takes, huh? 

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