Tuesday, October 10, 2023


Finally periods are abating and I'm feeling better. Was talking to Di and she was like she ends up having a fight with her husband around the time she has hers. Fuck. Lmao. I shouldn't laugh but dammit this is so relatable. I end up feeling so over sensitive and sad around the time I get mine. Invariably I cry or become kinda needy. I want to be babied a lil bit and indulged. It's okay to want that one day a month, right? :( sometimes guys do end up bearing the brunt of this huh? Oh maaaan. 

I think I need to chill and not overthink. Been doing that a lot huh? Why, P? Why always so scared of making mistakes? It's okay, life is fine and so are you and things will fall into place. And you are good, my darling. Don't worry so much about getting everything right all the time. Save a lil love for yourself too. And buy yourself some chocolate next time lol. They help. 

Sometimes I wonder what happened to the woman in me who was so rational and level headed who never took bs? I've become such a softie. Not sure how I feel about that. Ehhhhhh. But it's okay. All I've ever done all my life is try to be strong so if this one year I am erratic then it's cool. I'm finding my balance and I'm sure this will help me make solid decisions in the years to come. Change isn't easy, but I will make it happen. 

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