Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Nezhmetdinov Tal

Okay checked out one last game for the night lmao. 

I feel like a lot of attacking games I've seen are in this vein. Imagine someone doing this to Tal though, he himself is such an attacker. Love seeing players with the same play style battle it out, the effect is so interesting. 

Wonder if M likes Nezhmetdinov. Don't recall him mentioning it ever afaik, will ask. I was reading up on his life a little bit. Picking up a game as a kid by watching others while coming from such stark circumstances. Incredible how some people lift themselves up. What were the requirements to be GM back then? Funny I don't actually know this, it only struck me cuz Nezhmetdinov wasn't one even though he is considered prolific. So much stuff I'm clueless on when it comes to chess. Sad. Russia does have a lot of intellectual might though. I've always considered Russian Lit to be supreme and they were great at chess and science too back in the day. Man, I wanted to finish some chapters of my book too omg. Too much to do, too little time. I'm loving it ♥️

Nezhmetdinov - Tal 1959

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