Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Meg tells me her ex husband never even followed her on insta. I don't know whether to laugh or what. What a guy man. Seriously. I never thought social media bs was a thing you need to read into but looks like that's yet another indicator of how close or distant people keep you. Was it to hide that he was married? Idk. Could be. He was cheating on her anyway so maybe it was something like that. Plus, she is like me, I'm sure she never would have asked him to follow as she would consider that to be something  people should do of their own volition, and it's the right approach as well. 

BUT! I just hate when someone treats my friends badly. πŸ’€

She was right. If someone wants to find a way to give you importance, they will. And equally, if they want to find a way to be dismissive and insulting, they will do that too. 

Whatever, hate that dude. 🚫

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