Saturday, October 28, 2023


Finally finished making my salad for the week. Man, I've become like those pendantic old folks who hate if their diet gets too weird. Couple of days of eating out and my mind is rebelling and craving light food again. A nice change tbh. I remember back in the workaholic days how much we used to eat out esp on weekends. What a shite lifestyle that was. Now I look for olives and nice ingredients to stock in my fridge. I actually just really enjoy cooking. 

As I type this I can hear Tambola night happening in my apartment ahhaha. Throwback to all the Army parties my parents used to attend. One random live band playing Hotel California and Sinatra songs, the singer trying to engage the audience every 3 songs, the men drinking whiskey and eating roasted peanuts while bragging about something. One would inevitably get drunk enough to then sing a song to someone else's wife cuz idk boomer jokes. The ladies were all dressed up and checking each other out while pretending to be hoity. That fake high pitched laugh that used to accompany the entire group of women oh man... I used to wonder why my mom suddenly seems so fake and polite 🀣. And the kids just playing by themselves in the gardens, waiting for the waiters to bring the snacks. It was so fun to eat all the finger foods on toothpicks. My fav was the perennial cheese, cherry, pineapple that was diced just right. Or those tiny fried chicken balls on toothpicks that felt fancy asf. The boys used to just shove lots of them on their napkins while noone was looking. I used to politely take one and thank the waiter cuz I was scared of being scolded even though I wanted more. 🀣 

Man, those were the times! Idk if it was the sultry evenings, the sprawling lawns lit by dim lamps or the occasional fireflies buzzing in the shrubbery, but there was something very magical about it all. 

Come to think of it, we once caused trouble by catching some officer with some lady that wasn't his wife in the darkness. And then told everyone at the party while laughing. Hahaha fuck. That was such a scandal. Never realised what it meant until now oops. Sorry not sorry you loser cheaters. Glad we ratted you out. 

Soooo many random things you don't understand when you are small. And one day the realisation just hits you and you go... Oops. πŸ™ƒ

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