Thursday, October 12, 2023


Both bishops are bad so do not open files... Look at me trying to understand positional chess. I'm a total genius. 

Interesting though, I need to look at this position and see what can be the best move cuz it's usually ones like these I blow by overplaying. Idk the best move here yet. 

Edit: I opened files. Genius verdict might be premature. πŸ˜’

Oooh but this one felt good

Ugh so the one thing I am noooot doing and what most people in this range don't either is completely not thinking of opponent moves in some situations. It's just making your own plan and calc but not thinking of counters. Need some training here. Istg I need to learn to move the pieces on the board by myself. 

Man, I want to be atleast 2000 rated for reals. I'm pretty sure it's possible, just gotta build some consistency and break through with thinking patterns and blocks.

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