Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Fuck I'm so tired today I don't feel like doing any reading. Just playing some chess randomly. Feel like watching some crappy reality show just to unwind lol. Saw the new season of rick and morty is back. Funny how that show petered out. The first two seasons were so good but now it's all hit and miss. Consistency is so tough. Sometimes they become a bit too clever for their own good and it shows. I wonder why dumbness is not annoying but try harding is. 

Ughhhh. I don't wanna do anythinggggg. But I shoulddddd

Fuck it, I'll try to get back to 1900. Ugh. I should play longer gamessss. Why is starting something new so hard for me... I just delay it forever then suddenly dive in and don't let go lmao. One day a therapist will really earn their paycheck after talking to me. I'm so arrogant I'm certain I'll try to test them bigtime, all based on the fact that I love Jung lmao. Cocky without substance, now that's a sweet spot. 

Fuck chess. Lmao blundering so much bs haha. But I'm loving playing these days I sense that I've gotten better although my rating today says otherwise. Omgomgomg I wanna be 2000 aaaaaaa. I want that sweet sweet number next to my name 😭 whennnnn

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