Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Yay, spent a whole lot of time on chess again... now I can read for an hour and call it a day. Whew! Finally feels nice. I'm giving that asshat Nietzsche also my time grudgingly, it's crazy that you can value some of the ideas a person comes up with while hating that person for his arrogance and delusion. But I still haven't found anything so uber profound in him yet. I think a lot of these philosophers and writers had a huge bone to pick with organised religion and went about doing that in an elaborate way. I still much prefer Kierkegaard in his approach. His books are a marvel in their ability to promote free thinking. I had simply never realised that you could go about it in a structured way until I read them. It's kinda like when people tell you as a kid to "focus" on something, but never tell you how. That's one fundamental problem with education as well, how to teach kids the art of learning as opposed to just telling them to learn stuff. Cracking that would be a golden nugget. I remember long back I was thinking lots about the elements that go into creating drive within a person. And I think I'd concluded that the presence of a positive feedback loop is essential in the learning process for you to develop an independent desire to understand stuff. People who take to that naturally are simply folks who find that positive feedback loop earlier than others. I'm pretty certain there will be a way to induce that in the rest too. I guess that's why I've never really been a fan of too much strictness while teaching, I think it just creates a negative loop for a lot of folks and makes them feel like a failure and results in building resistance. Plus the ones who adopt this hard method invariably have some rigid ideas of "strong minds" vs " weak minds" never realising that if they didn't manage to teach the ones they consider weak, then it's a failure of their approach. Making someone feel dumb or inadequate isn't really doing anything other than being disrespectful out of your own ego, right? Actually people like that are v resistant to find fault in themselves cuz they consider that weak too, so they'll just be harsher with their students to avoid thinking it's themselves who are lacking. And the irony will ofc be missed on them. Hmmm. There must be an optimum amount of strictness + leniency that needs to be a part of the mix. 

Man, this is one area where I would love to research and solve. Human minds can be so damn fascinating. 

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