Saturday, October 28, 2023

Nezhmetdinov Tal

I liked this game N won. I haven't seen many games where white pushes g4. And allowing white's knight to come to f5 which subsequently needed a g6 push by black. Slowly starting to understand how a game can revolve around a single weakness and why. I found this concept very tough to understand earlier and I'm not sure I can still articulate it well even if the calculation can be done. That's what I hate tbh. Sometimes it's so frustrating to get to the right answer but not know why actually it's correct. I hate that blank I draw at times.

The mate in 8 was tough for me to see even in this position. The amount of effort it takes to see this stuff man. And to have the rigor to ascertain it's correct. Fuck, it's a total brain workout and I love the wringing of the thinking part but holy hell it's frustrating to get something wrong. That surge of anger I feel lmao. Haven't felt that in any sport ever before, so damn unique. 

Nezhmetdinov Tal 1961 Baku 

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