Thursday, October 26, 2023


How are you so good with kidsssss omgggg fuck. That lil fellow was loving it, you can tell with those lil shouts. Daaaam. My ovaries are in overdrive lmaoooo. 

I hate how much I misunderstood you, you are such a sweetheart for reals!!! DAMMIT! But I had to make sure, I had to be skeptical, except I hate that I had to nowww. Lmao. Yeah, it sucks to be a distrustful adult! And to think I thought you were selfish, ugh. You are anything but. And you hide allll this for some reason. Crazy person, stupid disguises and perennial hustles ugh. Some days I wanna know every tiny little thing about you, all those little things I bet you don't even know what they are and how they make my heart completely melt. But that's what I like best. You are so unaware of all the nice little things, it kinda makes it nicer. I never ever ever thought I'd meet someone who I actually wish to know and it's... Hmmm. It's for the right reasons, for the person you are and the qualities you embody, no more no less. I like that. I like that this is who you were 5 years ago and it's not something that you were pretending to be or something that's a recent thing, or something that you needed to deliberately show the world. I trust that. Ugh. From the time I have known you, you've somehow made a way into my heart and in the beginning I was so fearful of you simply for that reason. It was too instantaneous and while I've always been impulsive, life has taught me lessons time and again to curb that instinct lol. I'm not scared of you anymore though, not one bit lmao.  Just means I'll be more at ease when I pull your leg. Even you've gotten calmer recently though, that's nice. Not getting agitated at me for random stuff and I'm glad. I don't ever want you being mad at me again! Well not for anything significant atleast, stupid shit is fine. 😬

I like my curiosity when it's tinged with happiness and nurturing as opposed to the times when I'm curious in a clinical way. And with you, it's just so joyful and innocent, makes me feel like I'm 5 and meeting another 5yo and they'll be my best friend by lunchtime cuz they are so gosh darn amazing lmao. 

DAMMIT!! And I like that kids squeals of joy, such a gorgeous moment in time you captured. And THEN HID IT FOR SOME REASON. 😭😭😭

Omg you better learn to trust me fasssst buck up pleaaaaseee. I'm also v niceeee aaaaa you should know that by nowwwww 😭😭😭

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