Monday, October 2, 2023

Tal Fischer

Okay I still love Tal omggg. What a move he found here fuck. ♥️

I could work out that the knight capturing anything doesn't work here with an open king but that next move is so goated. Funny thing is... it's like asking a series of questions. But it's so tough to keep asking those questions, instead of assuming the observations are conclusions. Like even here, I can observe the queen is undefended but it never occurs to me to ask the follow up - so can I defend it and if so, can it be while I attack and keep initiative. I saw this same concept even in a Tal - Smyslov game too, where Smyslov missed the queen defence move. And this is just one moment in the game, so doing this repeatedly is crazy. 

Can't believe chess like this was played pre computer era man, what absolute beasts. Lol, my parents weren't even born in 59. 

Tal - Fischer 1959 Candidates

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