Thursday, October 19, 2023

Book recos

1. A mathematician's mind

2. A Personal Matter - Nathan translation

3. A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life

Hmmm. The first sounds like it might have too many suppositions idk. I'll review it before trying it out. 

But someone who is reading Godel will have similar interests to mine so let me start with the last one. 

Man, I love it when communities have diverse interests. Always great to exchange notes. I wonder if M reads. He might actually enjoy Sun and Steel. Will tell him sometime. Man actually has depth to him, I used to assume he was so uncaring. I wonder why. His spectrum is just so confusing sometimes. But I guess it's cuz I don't know what he hides. I'm sure there must be some significant amount of stress he must have dealt with to be this way now. Hmmm. It's okay, if he shares someday I'll know more. But it's on him, I guess trust isn't that easy for everyone and if he doesn't feel it with me then that's okay too. I'll have his back either way anyway, I don't need a show of trust from him to do that anymore. I've sized him up for myself and I'm quite at peace with that. Anyway I'll reco this, he might find mishima's ideas interesting 

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