Sunday, October 15, 2023


Seeing him play post work too. I wonder what's up with him. Haven't seen any tennis updates in ages either. Wanted to say hi but idk. He hasn't said a word since that day so I'll just wait and see if he wants to break the silence. If not, then I suppose I should just leave it alone. No clue why he is being this way. I feel concerned also but like if I ask and he doesn't say then again it'll go in that random loop if he is being moody and then I'll feel bad then rinse repeat. Aiyoooo. We need to fix this for good, one of us has to take the first step 😡. I'm gonna negotiate with him I think. We have to take turns in making up so it doesn't feel imbalanced lol. 

This is all so new for meπŸ˜…. I legit have no clue what to make of it. Plus I don't get why things have taken such a weird dramatic turn. Hmmm. But I hope it's nothing serious also for him. Ugh. Someday we need to have a proper heart to heart man. Yeah, things will only settle down properly once we both let our guard down with each other. Think it's time we start as well. Cuz hmmm. I'm happy to be supportive and I'm happy to be steady and nice to him, but it can't be lopsided. The strange thing is... I feel like I can actually share pretty much everything with him openly. Never realised it before but I have this weird unspoken trust in him wherein I feel like I don't actually have to hide myself from him. That's interesting. Lol, I think that's why I take him from granted somewhat and even act out when I'm moody so easily. Lmao. Sorry about that yo. 

You live, you learn. Sometimes you yell, other times you stay silent. Hmmm. Do you really live and learn? I'm learning nothing 🚫

Ughhh. Bighug you dodo. Hope you miss me a shit ton too! :) 

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