Monday, April 15, 2024

Whom to avoid

I heard some women talk about how they make guys jealous. Bruh. Sometimes I feel women can be v shitty too man. Like... I cannot imagine deliberately flirting with someone to get under someone's skin. Primarily cuz I'm myself so possessive that if someone did that to me I'd hate it and I won't forgive it. It isn't even that I won't forgive I think I fundamentally can't. Especially deliberate attempts I those are the worst. I remember long back when A and I were having our off and on thing and I used to be scared of emotional intimacy so he used to overwhelm me at times. Then I'd want to stay a bit guarded. And he wanted me to say I loved him and I wasn't ready and he just got up and made out with someone else after telling me he could mindfuck me etc. I knew that was a manipulation tactic and the fact that he did it to me made me never want to end up with him. Right there. And even years after that, that one instance made me never trust him. And I can't imagine ever doing that to a guy, like if I love you it goes without saying that I honour you and I respect you. I can't even dream of breaking that pact let alone sullying it with such nonsense. And it honestly just stuns me to know people out there do this kinda stuff to others and it's acceptable to a lot of them.

Talking to V and R also and even R seems quite into men other than her husband. Keeps asking me if I'm banging someone and refuses to listen when I say no I'm not. It's like some people just can't believe that I'm actually conservative about my body and who I share it with. I have to actually  like someone to even think of touching them and yet so many people out there don't seem to have that issue. I just dunno dude. But I can't imagine having an equation like that. I've actually never had anyone doubt me either cuz I'm pretty sure I'm v transparent as a person. So that's good. Haha actually yeah, most guys who get to know me, just know me damn well and they've never felt uneasy with me. That's so nice actually. I never even thought about it before. I know I can be childish at times but it's better than being manipulative and crafty. There's a whole world that I'm simply not introduced to, but I'm glad I never was cuz I don't think I'll fit in to that kinda life. 

Crazy fucks. 

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