Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Half my life I felt like something was missing, something essential. I always had this thought at the back of my mind, perpetually. Sometimes faint, sometimes loud, but always persistent and in the background. And then one day it so happened that I finally felt complete. That's a moment I will always cherish. And it is so precious to me that words will never do justice to it. You can always use even the darkest of times as a springboard to propel you towards what you desire. A lot of times I was wondering if I'll be treated as a human, until one day I realised hey... It doesn't matter how someone else treats you, how do you feel about you? Isn't your own opinion a lot more valueable than someone else's? And then it was just easy. It was easy to release the fears, dissolve the craving for validation, and just let go of all the fetters. Who knows if I would have actively tackled that if not for that exact string of events? May not have, may not have needed to. Bit of a cat situation this, but who cares. I did what was necessary. 

I am glad, truly. 

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