Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Self assurance and respect

Watched a small clip of Gukesh saying he saw magnus's predictions for the game and how he didn't let it impact him. That's such good mentality man. Honestly something to learn from. I think it also stems from having a very strong sense of self. Something I find admirable since I lacked it for so long in my life. It's absolutely inspirational to me. Haha. Lil kid teaching me life lessons. I really like it. 

Saw some small clip posted of Botez duo and that awful Russian lady forgot her name talking to Sagar and they made some lame comments about him beating his wife at chess as an innuendo. I loved how he didn't say anything bad but I could tell he was visibly uncomfortable. Hehe. A man who just loves and respects his partner and he would never ever make those kinda jokes. I like that about him. It always wins my respect when people treat their partners well even if it means going against the group. Esp that Russian lady god she is so fucking tacky and cheap. Always try harding to be edgy. Absolutely pathetic tbh. How despo do you have to be if all you can do is make sexual innuendos constantly? Somehow it always registers to me as a sign of low intelligence if you can't make witty conversation without having to play the edgy girl role like some teenager that thinks they are relevant. Lol. While I don't actually care about edginess and can enjoy it at the right moments, knowing who to subject that to, who is okay and in on the joke v who isn't takes a bit of distinction. Then again, what can you expect from someone who shows off their body for money. Lamezies. 

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