Thursday, April 25, 2024

Emotional abuse


Genuinely thought this was some hoax post but no. People like this actually exist holy fuck. If someone can be this inhuman, I don't even know what to say. This is just abuse to the max, what a horrendous, toxic loser fuck.

Note to self: shitbags like this exist in this universe. Never ever fall for someone who shows a lack of consideration towards you ever again. You never know how abusive they might be on the inside, and I'm pretty sure it'll be a lot. 

I legit feel that the biggest red flag in someone is precisely this - lack of consideration. That, along with a tendency to manipulate. It shows that they don't respect you but rather see you as an object to be attained. 

Not that I'll ever like someone like this in the long run, but I'm glad I have the ability to understand when I'm being treated badly. The good thing is that when I do understand it, it erodes any care I have for that person and slowly I'm just indifferent to them. 

Plus emotional abuse comes in many forms - when someone's goal in life is to belittle everyone around them, when they can't be happy if you do anything good, if your success threatens them... All of that is just kryptonite to these abusive fuckers cuz it makes their egos feel small. Unchecked insecurity is a hallmark trait of such people. Yuck. Vile. 


People who make you feel safe with them, actively...By their actions, words, gestures, presence...They are the only ones that are worth including in your life, and the only ones who are worth caring about. No exceptions.  Plus blah. If I know one thing for sure... I will never lower my standards to accomodate just anyone random. 

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