Thursday, April 18, 2024

Uncut gems

Sometimes it's the little things in life that show you the bigger dynamics at play. I have often noticed teeny elements of daily living. The small, oft unnoticed things that are indicative of the larger picture. I always saw how the boomer gen was stuck in their dynamics and those tiny petty humiliations that bickering couples used to heap on each other. Not enough to be a deal breaker but just small enough to keep the other person semi unhappy. It was in these moments that my idea of cruelty were shaped. Because not everyone is a giant villian. But there are smaller, day to day ways of cutting someone down, keeping them small. I've always hated that. 

And on the other hand, I've always noticed how a small thing makes a big difference in someone's day too. A kind word, some encouragement, belief in them, it instantly uplifts and acknowledges a person. And some people feel overlooked all their lives to the point that they internalise it. That is what hurts me the most because when I see them more often than not it's just a sweet old soul. 

We were discussing lately how few people we know who were brought up in smaller towns actually have a lot more ethics and spine than the more polished, well to do crowd we were used to. It's shocking how a polished exterior masks underlying bullshit. Like putting perfume on a turd. 

Give me an uncut diamond anyday, and I'll still know its value even if it never gets polished. Idgaf about that. 

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