Thursday, April 4, 2024


And Guinevere. 

Two characters that fascinate me. What happens when the boundaries of loyalty are tested? Can you say you love someone if your loyalty is tested? I don't know. I don't set much store by tales. They are always besmirched by retelling and wishful thinking. I don't believe Guinevere loved Arthur. I believe Lancelot did. 

We find ourselves in the midst of a fascinating tale, embellished by the need we have to make Arthur the king of kings. Just because he was a good king, does not make him a good husband. And yet, for men atleast... Those two are equated. So the portrayal of a woman as temptation and a villian because we feel weak when tempted. It's not her fault. So why hate her for it? 

Rise, Sir Lancelot. 

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