Wednesday, April 17, 2024


Wow Nadal is so... Idk. I am sad to see him this way. But I think there are times in life where you have to honor your body, your family and your life. I love him as an athlete but he really should call it quits. Can't imagine how taxing this must be on his wife. I would be worried sick. Esp as he now has a kid. That's the thing about stubborn men. Sometimes I feel like they value their stubbornness more than the people who love them. And it must be so utterly hurtful to those who realise that they don't come first for him. Esp after having kids. Idk. I hate selfishness in people, I really do. Esp when it comes at the cost of everyone else around them. But it's also very heartbreaking to see him this way, truly. Just that post match conf was so gutting. :(:(:(. 

I would find it very hard to see someone I love get hurt repeatedly. Lol. May I never have to see that day. And may everyone I love stay happy, healthy and considerate of me forever. ♾️

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