Thursday, April 11, 2024

I feel sooooo tired and lazyyyy can't think at alllllll. Just wanna play chess and do nothing else dayum. 

Bruh I need a ritual for doing my writing lmao. I actually need it, I am too loosey goosey about it currently. Need to just sit myself down and get it going. I finish all other work on autopilot but I know this will take effort so I'm avoiding lol

Aaa fuck it I want to try to get 1900 lmao. Okay no. NO!

Edit: okay I tried for hours and my brain is not working anymore lol. Topped out at 1870 and then just could not think. Fuck. Still, try better later. 


Why is it so hard for me to quit something if I start it? Just been fucking hours and I'm sleeping deprived I haven't eaten dinner and I still just want to get that stupid ass 1900 why am I like this 

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