Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 Elijah Nang - Journey to the West

As the Lofi comes on, the beats reminiscent of a cluttery room on a midnight where it rains intermittently. Enough to make you feel a lil bit restless, a desire to dance a bit, fantasize, to check group chats just to see what you might have missed, to sigh dramatically because you are so young you don't really know what the weight of the world feels like. But you know the weight of your own world that just falls down on you, emotions and all and you can just shrug it all off. Because you are young, you are beautiful and life... It's gonna smile on you no matter what. Even when you cry, you know you enjoy that feeling. The call for self appeasement in the theatrics. 

You see a book on the side, and you wonder how people liked it ever. Cuz now you are snooty, we know more than Sartre, don't we? He just didn't have friends - he was lonely. You said this when you were 13. 

Were you wrong?

Was Atlas drugged?


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