Thursday, April 4, 2024


What does an honest person hate the most?

Their integrity being questioned. 


In my experience that holds true. I was thinking about Kramnik and how much he keeps inflicting these horrible allegations towards even kids, people who have worked hard to achieve what they have, only to have an ex fucking champ just piss on them like that. It's neither funny nor decent and just a mark of bad character tbh. 

As much as I like chess, I genuinely have no respect nor regard not any liking for all these chess personalities anymore. In fact the more I see them crying on twitter and wherever, the less I like them. I've always been into sports and I've always had some level of admiration for people in other sports. The Federers of the fact so many tennis players tbh. Whether or not they had great results didn't even matter. As long as they had a certain fight in them, a certain character... I would like and respect them both. But when it comes to chess... I just don't. Most of the top level guys esp are people I absolutely would never ever want to know. Guys like Giri, Hiki, Kramnik yuck. I would actually want to stay as far away as possible from people like these. How absolutely sad is that. 


Give me a normal, hard working person any day of the week and I'd be honoured and privileged to know them. 

That's the thing about growing up, you start to actually value the right things once you have your own head on straight. And I would trade a 100 of these asshats without blinking for even a semi boring, but decent person and think it was a great bargain. And it is.  


Except Sadler holy crap I love him. Hearing his commentary and he is every bit as kooky as I thought he would be and I absolutely love him. His smartness just shows so easily haha. Just seeing him grimace at some positions and that staid British way of speaking that I'm oh so familiar with hahaha. Fuck. 

Holy crap he is higher rated than Howell too wow. As a fucking hobbyist aaaaa. This world has some insaaanely talented people. 

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