Sunday, April 7, 2024

Watched some random vids and the over sexualisation of everything was so off putting... And it's everywhere. Like all the fucking time I see women trying to be overtly sexual and men talking dirty publicly like they said something clever and uhhh man. It makes more and more sense why losers like Jordan Peterson has a following. When society is so broken that the only reward is dopamine from seeming alpha, where you trivialise and negate a person's worth unless they are debasing themselves then yes, people will be depressed and sad and not know why. Fuck. I find it genuinely disturbing. Esp when I see women who call it feminism to then act like guys and be overtly promiscuous. It's just so sad yo.

It's one thing to be that way with your own partner, but to display it like a hooker showing their wares and thinking it's cool is unbelievably broken. And talking down to guys in some form of a powerplay, negating them and then finally only liking someone who negates you cuz oh he treats me badly I need his approval. What a recipe for completely losing yourself. 

You can have other aspects of your personality that help you shine, you don't just have to wear the skimpiest clothes yo. :( 

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