Saturday, April 20, 2024

Want to take a moment to appreciate how much my mom has changed in her behaviour now. She has actually become a lot nicer. That's the great thing about people who try and make an effort, over a little period of time you actually see the results and it's amazing. That's why you should give people a chance in my opinion. I've always done that, a lot of times to my detriment too, but there's this weird sense of optimism I have when it comes to stuff like this and I can't seem to accept a doomsday kinda narrative of everyone sucks therefore cut them all out. Yes, sometimes fundamental nature of people may not change but a lot of the times a lot of things that are not core behaviours can. That's good. My relationship with her is so much better now. There was a time when it was awful but now it's actually decent and at times quite sweet too. I love it and I hope it becomes a lot better too. There's a lot of stuff I have implicitly admired about her - her strength, her resilience, her can do attitude. And all my family wants the best for me and I love that... My friends do too. That's a good space to be in. 

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