Monday, April 29, 2024


My baby cousin ♥️. She is so talented, and a trained dancer to boot. Never realised how much press she has actually gotten over the years and still a teen. Winning international competitions yearly to boot. Just amazing! Love her! 

After we lost my aunt a year ago, I felt so awful about how it must have been for her. Think she might have been ten when the diagnosis just came and post that it was just years and years of doctor visits and seeing your mom go through that for a small kid is so fucked up. But I'm happy that she is strong and resilient and keeps on going, is ambitious and works so incredibly hard. I'm so proud of you little lady. 
Ugh. I feel like crying just thinking about how tough it was for them. 

Okay let me not go down that road now. It's great to see her thrive and I hope she really goes from strength to strength. I'm sure she will make us all proud one day. 

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