Thursday, April 25, 2024


Luzhin is a complete stereotype of a narcissist. Wanting to obtain a woman that has social value but comes from a poor house, trying to act as if he is doing her a huge favour. Trying to twist their poverty into an advantage for him and making them servile to him while simultaneously wanting them to debase themselves so he can feel good about himself. What an utterly loathsome character. 

I've met maybe two narcissists in my life. And they were surprisingly similar. It was the exact same behaviour too. Always acting pricey, trying to pretend to be superior while being average, zero empathy towards anyone. They are especially bad for their partners. And always only concerned with themselves. It's so repulsive. And at the end of the day, it's severe emotional abuse to just leech out someone's humanity and niceness while treating them with contempt. 

Gross. People like these are true dementors. 

I've come to realise that my loyalty now is only won by people who are considerate to me. Which is good, earlier I would give everyone a chance but now I realise if I'm choosing to be in your corner then you should also be in mine. If I'm not safe with you, then what's even the point?

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