Tuesday, April 30, 2024

If I liked someone genuinely, was nice to them and sincere... Would I find it in me to actually go out with other people even casually? 


I simply can't, I'd find it disloyal to even entertain that thought. 

So, would I be okay if I was seeing someone and they were seeing someone else too? 


Fuck. No. 

Something made me wonder this today and I know for a fact that I would neither be okay nor would I forgive that. 

If you have me in your life, and still feel the need to see others, then I wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. Ugh. Even the thought of it makes me feel sick. I don't think I'd ever forgive such a thing. 

I can accomodate a whole lot of things, but if this line is ever crossed by anyone, it would just be a full stop and I don't think I'd even want to speak to them again. 

I am a one-man woman through and through, and I need a man who has the same kind of loyalty towards me. All your other shit I'd deal with, but this would simply be unforgivable. I don't give a shit about any protocol or anything else tbh. No technicalities would ever make me overlook this simple fundamental thing. Height of fucking disloyalty tbh. It would just make me hate that person and also never want to speak to them again. 

You can hold space for someone and give them chances, but in doing so... If they just use that as a way to exploit you in a "have my cake and eat it too" kinda way then what's even the point?

I hope I never ever have the misfortune to deal with this shit cuz honestly I think I'll just stop caring. 

Plus, would any guy be okay if I kept him as an option?

I'm sure the answer is a resounding "Fuck no."

I'd never do that to someone, and I don't want it done to me. 

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