Saturday, April 6, 2024


There's a stoic principle that goes:

"Your moral responsibility lies in intent, not outcome" 

I hard disagree here. Too many people out there assume a moral stance and then just do shitty things to others without any check in place because they believe they are operating from a place of greater good. 

Yes, you can't control outcomes. But - assuming no responsibility for a bad outcome despite good intent is irresponsible as well. 

A fundamental flaw with being human is simply like a chess board. You can't actually calculate all the variations available to discern the most morally correct outcome for everyone involved, so the axiom should be that - a mistake is inevitable, ergo do not be too enamoured with your own wisdom and morality and assume a stance of " I can't do wrong because I mean well " 

To me it's one of the biggest faux sense of self appeasement out there. There is value in regret as well. Sometimes, if you do fuck up and fuck up bad, the fact that you feel remorse is what makes it better. Because you are atoning in your own way, the dejection you feel is a moral consequence. 

Man, humans are complex. 

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