Sunday, April 14, 2024

I used to have an empathetic view of people being difficult. And I still do, for people in their teens and early 20s. But any older and I feel like yeah you gotta work on yourself. 

Nothing more tragic than seeing grown adults with bullshit behaviour to be honest. It's just cringe and pathetic. Like you know how when people first start to drink and it seems fun to be drunk and loud when you are stupid and 18? The same behaviour looks absolutely tragic on someone who is 30. 

I think of behaviour issues in adults the same way. You cannot be childish and stupid forever, beyond a point it's silly and not at all worthy of consideration or respect. And it's exceptionally sad when people close to you have to make excuses for your behaviour like bitch please don't be such an embarrassment sheesh. 

Cue eyeroll. 

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