Thursday, April 18, 2024


My PMS is hitting the roof and all I can think of is that one vid I loved and it's making me crryyyyyy. Hahahha fuck. Like I'm laughing but I'm soooo sentimental rn idek whyyyyyyyy. It was just so cute and wholesome and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Why did I ever see it and why is it exactly what I picture happiness to beeeeeeeeeeeee? 

I am so so so so so mushy bro fuck whatever happened to that tomboy in me, literally noone who knows me sans one or two people would even know this is how soft I am on the inside. Sheesh... I'm only embarassed lol. 


I am a fools. But I like it. But I ALSO WANT TO CRRYYYY RN AAAAAAA. 

Stupid periods just dialing emotions up to 100. 

also, you fucker I hate you. Idk why, but rn it just feels good to say that lolol. 

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