Saturday, April 27, 2024


I actually really like playing e4, e5. There's such a sense of volatility in it, esp playing it as black. And it does have a lot more sharpness in the beginning, if you survive that then you can build some sort of solidity in the middle. Hehe, it's like first wave attack then a bit of respite then second wave. How interesting is this game. 

So there must be these kind of nuances to every single position right. Just a teeny tiny variation that changes the nature of the game ever so slightly. How beautiful. That is legitimately beautiful imo. 

Hehe, who knew you can view a boardgame as an artform. It's like variations of strokes in a paintings - if you have a trained eye - you can tell just the slight nuance an artist intended and thereby discern their skill on how much of what they created was intentional, and thereby the details and thoughts behind something come alive. 


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