Monday, April 8, 2024

Thinking out loud

Talking to Di and I just feel bad for her man. I never realised how lost people can get in life at times. She is talking about having a baby, thinking of doing an MBA and marrying under peer pressure all in the same breath. Shit dude. This stuff is so complicated. She said even though she feels the person is right, she would not have married if not for the social pressure of it all. I kinda felt bad saying I don't feel any of that pressure this time. Earlier I would blurt it out but now suddenly I realised that she maybe just had some weird extreme moments and got married even though she didn't want to.


I don't know what to say. I feel like this whole MBA thing is a random distraction now for her. Maybe an escape route of sorts. Idk. I don't get why someone would do a master's, a PhD and then want to top it off with an MBA too. Idk. Plus wanting to be pregnant and then doing an MBA simultaneously also sounds a bit hard to manage. 

Why bring a kid into all this if you aren't happy? I get not being happy or making a mistake getting married etc but like how can you want to add a kid to this situation? I feel like she simply isn't honest with herself about what she wants. And usually it's okay to be that way when other people are not involved but I can't help but feel bad for her husband... Living a clueless life when you think your partner loves you, while they feel they should not have married etc is so bad man. 

M says I should just stop talking to her lol. I guess I just have to ensure none of this touches me in a negative way. 

I'm not even mad or angry or anything anymore. All this stuff used to trigger me, but now I just don't care about it as much. I would have been extremely annoyed earlier listening to this but now I just feel a sense of sympathy. 

Looks like I've finally learnt to detach. Well, better late than never. 

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