Sunday, April 14, 2024

Matrix movies

I really need to understand a whole lot about the Matrix. So many thoughts and it's so well crafted dayum. I actually just love this. 

There's a whole lot of dialogue in it too is in keeping with plot progress that's very unassumingly embedded in it. Like when the Oracle is with Sati and is baking cookies, she says to Neo... I was hoping to get these done by the time you got here. Which I guess is also a tell that she is not able to discern the future and therefore there's an imbalance. 

Even that tiny line where the Oracle calls Smith a Bastard and he just goes... You would know mom. That was a neat call back to the architect and oracle being the mom and dad of the matrix. 

How neat. I love attention to details like these. It's softly done, but showcases the amount of thought that goes into the craft. V cool. 

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