Monday, April 22, 2024


Mum tells me that dads' friend actually travelled to go meet granny over the weekend. How nice. My dad really has some great friends. He actually went all that way, how many people even take time out of their schedule to do that. There are certain behaviours I love in people. When they show you consideration and actively take part in being nice to you. 

A lesson I've learnt the hard way tbh. When I contrast this with the kind of folks I was used to... The horrible behaviour some of them displayed. Shit. I feel so gross that I entertained so many entitled and shitty assholes half my life. And here is a guy who had no reason to be this nice and yet he does so much for my dad. I'm v happy for him tbh. He is a blessed man, all said and done...the right kind of people really respect him and look up to him. I love that. In a sea of jealous, petty and insecure people, it's great to have some that are so utterly sweet. Lately, I've been thinking about that a lot. How many people would actually have my back, be happy for me if I do well, with whom I feel like I can be vulnerable with ease? Not many. The kind of people I also respect are people like these tbh. Ones who won't look to belittle you, but are actively wanting you to do well. Will not be happy if you did badly behind your back. Lol, basically no petty and jealous folks. I'd like some good quality going forward. 

I hope genuinely that I too have the capacity to distinguish good v bad and only allow for the good in my life.  And I think I do. M was telling me the same thing yesterday... How it's amazing to just be around the ones who make you feel good internally. I see how happy she is now, how calm and it's amazing cuz I've seen her through some tough times. And she has always been there for me. So that's amazing too. Hehe. Cheers to the good ones, you make my life feel good. 

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