Wednesday, April 17, 2024

I've always wondered about the average narcissist. They are always the most mediocre people, convinced that they are great and in reality are more or less just so basic. Maybe that's why they find it uncomfortable when anyone around them shines even a little bit. Cuz that image shatters. And how they hang on to the coattails of people they consider better than them just so people will think a lot of them. How sad. I vividly recall that night when A called me from Singapore where he randomly went for new years. And at 5 am he was just alone on the street cuz none of his so called "friends" were actually his friends, just people he knew who didn't want to hang with him. And he called and was saying some shit and buying himself something from one of the marts there. And all I could see was a sad guy noone liked who is roaming around in the middle of the night alone because he wanted to be seen as idk... Like he has a life or something. It was quite sad and borderline pathetic but damn. I don't understand the motivation to be this much at the mercy of random people's opinions but if you are then it's so damn shit. 

Well, the one thing I do know well - if pulling others down is the only way you feel relevant, then not only are you toxic, but the only thing that makes you extraordinary at is being pathetic. 

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