Friday, April 26, 2024

I've reached a good space in life. I'm happy, I'm writing, and I've stopped caring about a whole lot of useless shit lol. And I've finally come to realise that I don't have to give a fuck about things and people that don't make me happy. I got so tired over the years somehow that it took me a while to stop caring about nonsense but who cares, as long as I have learnt that lesson. I don't think I'll invest in anyone emotionally who doesn't earn that place in my life going forward either. Maybe I should have always been that way, but I used to have this naive idea that people have inherent niceness in them. Lmao, really got fucked by that one stupid thought. Now, I hold no such illusions and I'm pretty clear that I would not compromise on quality. That's good. Stupendous lack of effort is not something I give a rat's ass about. Plus I'm sure once my stance is firm, it'll only lead to better choices. I feel like a veil just lifted. This last year taught me that... To value myself, to have clearer boundaries, and to aim for equality and reciprocity in my equations. I don't even feel like giving benefit of doubt to anyone anymore, cuz what's the point. Good people don't need to be given that anyway, imo. They just straight up show you they are good. No need for prompting. It took me half my life to understand this even though it's such a simple thing for so many others na. Sheesh. Oh well, tis what tis.

Anyway meh. Life's too short to compromise anyway. Unburdened myself of any and all expectations, decided to look forward and live well. 

Cheers. I feel nice. 

Joy is returning and for once it's because I chose it for myself. I'll do my best to nurture it and myself too while I'm at it. ♥️

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