Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Really enjoyed hanging out with M and C yesterday. Something about seeing them together makes me very happy. I even see the trade offs between them now. Like he can be overbearing and over explaining about a loooot of things. But she v nicely just listens even when I know she doesn't care about the thing being said. And he in turn is very sweet and loyal and caring and I think that's what matters to her so she lets all the other things go. I feel like a lot of women just know how to do that intrinsically. Even I have the exact same outlook, if my needs are being met I feel happy and I'm v accomodating of the other persons' behaviours even if they are different from mine. I imagine even A is like that. Haha. It's so cool that there's a huge amount of just womanhood that binds all of us and there's a sense of camaraderie and kinship in these moments. I love that. The more I'm around such wonderful folks, the better even my mindset becomes. Company matters a looot I feel. Helps to create an ideal atmosphere where you feel good and you can thrive. Like she got her periods and immediately he was like oh should I go get some pills? Didn't care that he had just traveled a ton and got back, it was his instant response. And it's so nice to have that in life and I'm so glad she does. No treating anyone badly, no ego, just a lot of love and affection. We all dote on her haha. She just deserves all the love in the world. 

Ego is the worst in a relationship, when a person is just expecting to be catered to while doing nothing for you, it's just extremely pathetic. No wonder those people just end up alone or with someone who hates them and cheats on them. But anyway, idc not my problem.

I legit love my friends. 

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