Thursday, November 9, 2023

M called me all upset. Her dad yelled at her mom and in turn her mom called her crying and it came down to when you getting married. What in the world is wrong with her dad fuck!! What a complete asshole that man can be. How tf do these abusive cunts give themselves license to be this cunty? 

It just takes one shitty person to just ruin your day and your life. Fuck man. I feel so bad and so angry at her dad. Absolute fucking jackass.


Sometimes I'm just so sucker punched by how cruel things can be and idk everything just comes crashing down on me. People like her father exist, who will just be dicks cuz they can and cuz noone can stop them. How unhappy do you have to be to hurt someone else in order to feel good about yourself?! 

If there's one thing I wish for, it's that never in my life do I end up with anyone that is cruel or indifferent to me or harms me this way. Or anyone else really. I don't ever want people I care about to be in harm's way like this. God, if I had a kid/sibling/friend who was hanging with such folks ffs I'd go crazy. 

Aaaa. What a shite day I don't want to talk to anyoneeeee. 

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