Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The weather's kinda cold and rainy rn. Feels gloomy. I felt like sketching tonight but just feeling so blah. Man, I haven't gone out in a while. This whole week was just busy with parents and running around getting them stuff or making food etc. Time just flew, barely had a moment to myself. Showed dad a bit of M's show it was so cute he just didn't get twitch at all. His flight takes off soon, bit worried about how the winter season will be in Leh. Half my life just goes in worrying about someone or the other. Lol. I randomly asked M about Di today. Didn't elaborate but just asked what he would do if his friends were doing stupid shit. He was also in two minds about it I think. Hmmm. I wanted his opinion cuz I think we have similar values and outlook, so it's good to get a perspective. He didn't say much though. Meh. Dunno what to do. I also noticed today that one of the dudes on his stream randomly talks to me like he knows me well. I had spoken to him agggees ago when I thought he was benign but cut it out when he started trying to flirt. And now I limit the convo to just the show but even so he kinda makes it seem as if we are a bit too familiar at times. Found it a bit odd. But meh, probably just acting cool or something. I've gotten kinda wary of internet folks in general now. Even the other day when that other guy got hammered and started getting borderline abusive to M. That was such a shocker to me. I thought he was quite nice and chill till then. Like anonymous folks being dicks is something I've seen before, but for regulars to openly be this nutty is very, very surprising. Quite crazy. I don't think I'd be able to handle stuff like this ever. In all this, I actually feel like M's friend is the only one who would be decent and never cross lines even though currently banging someone's wife lmao. He has never misbehaved with me. I've just spoken to him maybe twice but my sense was that he is very much like a child and won't do shit if you straight up tell him not to. Oddly, I trust that about him. 

Man, people just fascinate me. This is why I never judge anyone outright. I feel like the ones who seem really nuts are often decent and the ones who act normal can be quite crazy underneath. I guess a lot of the genuine toxic folks learn early to wear these facades. Those are the actual scary ones, the ones being deliberately manipulative. I don't think I've come across too many edge cases in my life but sometimes I wonder if it's because people need anonymity to be that way. Idk. Guess it's better to just be cautious all round. 

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