Monday, November 6, 2023

Late night lounging

Playing chess in bed is why I'm perpetually sleep deprived. 

Man, finally spent a few hours sketching. Feels good to do some for a change. Tried visualising this in my mind so the dimensions are so skewed. Frustrated me lots. It's like a needle in my eye when things aren't just right. Except my boobs, those are on point. I see them everyday, can corroborate πŸ’ͺ🏼. Wanted to use a certain someone's book cover too but refrained lmao. Should ask for permission before I do it I suppose. Lol ask permission. I can't believe I think of these things. 

Sir, if you could be so kind as to...? 

What an ass he is. 🀭 Movie soundtracks it seems. I believed him for a good two hours too lmao. Trusting you renders me gullible when it comes to you, how do I tell you that? You'll just laugh and file it away in that brain of yours, I know!+

I actually did want to know your fav song though :( lol oops. 

Aaaaa. Don't hide stuff I wanna knooooww!!! 

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